When you start off with a website, things are usually straightforward. You create a website and purchase a domain and then watch the traffic roll in. However, as your business grows, things get more complicated. This is when you’ll come across terms like “subdomain.”
What is a Subdomain?
Subdomains are a prefix added to your domain name to help users navigate various sections of your website. These prefixes are mostly used to manage websites that have their own hierarchy, such as ecommerce sites and customer support platforms.
Here’s an example. In products.yourwebsite.com, “products” is the subdomain, “yourwebsite” is the primary domain and “.com” is the top level domain. You can use any text as your subdomain, but do make sure it’s easy to type and remember.
When Should I Use a Subdomain?
Subdomains are very useful in organizing your website, and using it correctly will not affect your SEO. If you’re not sure if you should be using a subdomain, contact a web development company like Magna Technology for assistance.
Here are some examples of when to use a subdomain:
- Ecommerce. Because online stores are complex, businesses usually create a separate architecture to handle purchases. For example, playstation.com is great for browsing games, but if you buy something, you’re brought to store.playstation.com.
- Mobile websites. Some online platforms need a major overhaul in order for them to be mobile friendly. If this is the case for your site, you might have a dedicated mobile site – m.yourwebsite.com.
- Location-specific site. If your company offers different products and services to various parts of the world, it’s best to have subdomains. This way, customers get a unique experience when they visit your site. An example might be uk.yoursite.com.
- Specific audiences. Subdomains allow businesses to create unique sites for their audiences. You might have a section for parents and kids or customers and suppliers. You can even password protect these sites if need be.
- Blogs. Blogs sometimes target words and topics that are not directly related to your core objectives. If this is the case, you can create a separate subdomain with blog.yourwebsite.com.
Now that you know a bit more about subdomains and when to use them, you might be wondering how you can go about creating your own. Contact Magna Technology today to learn more about adding a subdomain to your site.